Yorkshire Dales Art

Yorkshire Dales Art

The Yorkshire Dales is a National Park in the North of England thousands of square miles in size and should you choose to visit the Yorkshire Dales you will find valleys, hills, villages and so much beautiful countryside. There is something for everybody in the Yorkshire Dales so whether you are an avid trekker, a lover of villages and afternoon teas, a photographer or a book lover there will be something for you in the Yorkshire Dales. Whether you enjoy holidaying by car, by foot or on bicycle there is something for you in the Yorkshire Dales and if you want to experience a truly traditional English countryside experience then it is hard to beat the Yorkshire Dales.

Each of the Yorkshire Dales are actually named after the rivers that form their valleys and in fact the very name Dale means valley. You will find the Yorkshire Dales full of dry-stone walls creating a beautiful and unique look adding to the overall beauty of the landscape. These dry-stone walls are fascinating as they are extremely strong and last for many many years despite the fact they are built without any cement. The way in which the stones are put together keeps them so strong which you can imagine takes huge amounts of skill.

For many years from the 17th century up until the beginning of the 20th century the Yorkshire Dales was world famous for its lead mining as the rocks that make up the Yorkshire Dale area were rich in lead. For tourists visiting the Yorkshire Dales today there are ways of seeing the busy lead mining industry that was once so depended upon in this part of the country. If you are a lover of waterfalls, then there are also a number of waterfalls to visit in the Yorkshire Dales and they surely will not disappoint you.

If you would like to enjoy more of the Yorkshire Dales without having to physically be in the Yorkshire Dales, then why not consider the benefits of Yorkshire Dales art. Keith Melling is an artist who specialises in Yorkshire Dales art. His studio, the Keith Melling studio, stocks a large and beautiful range of fine art prints including Lake District art and Yorkshire Dales art. Why not take a look at the website of Keith Melling in order to see what kinds of art he has available that may pique your interest.

If you would like to be reminded of the beauty of the English countryside such as the Lake District or the Yorkshire Dales, why not consider purchasing a piece of Keith Melling’s artwork such as his Yorkshire Dales art? You may wish to visit the studio in person where you will be able to enjoy looking through work including his Yorkshire Dales art Clitheroe based. There is nothing like gracing your walls with pieces of fine artwork and if you are a lover of the English countryside then you will not be disappointed in the beauty of the paintings that capture the English countryside in the way that Keith Melling does.

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