Bluebell Art Gallery

Paintings featuring bluebell woods produced as fine art prints

Bluebells, Haslost Wood II - Lancashire
Haslost Wood II - Lancashire. Keith Melling

Bluebells, Haslost Wood II - Lancashire

Near Sabden and Read, the wood is accessed and visible from the little narrow road nearby.

From a gouache painting
Artist ; Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition of 350
Giclee print
8.5 x 12in

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Bluebells and Ramsons'
Bluebells and Ramsons -Yorkshire Dales. Keith Melling

Bluebells and Ramsons'

This narrow wood by the River Ribble near Langcliffe is typical of many bluebell woods in the Yorkshire Dales and for that matter in England. Ramsons (wild garlic) grow quite happily among bluebells.

From a gouache and acrylic painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Open Edition
Giclee print 10 x 15in £49
also 15 x 22.5in £69

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Bluebells, Cuckoo Coppice II, Lake District
Cuckoo Coppice - Lake District. Keith melling

Blubells, Cuckoo Coppice II,  Lake District

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition of 350

Giclee print
8.5 x 12in

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Bluebells, Brathay Woods, Lake District
Bluebells, Brathay Woods - Lake District. Keith Melling

Bluebells, Brathay Woods, Lake District

In springtime the old woodlands of Lakeland are carpeted with a purple mist of bluebells. This wood between Clappersgate and Brathay spans quite a large area and is criss-crossed by a maze of footpaths. Maps are virtually useless here, but no-matter, there's no hurry, the bluebells are the best I've ever seen.

From a gouache and acrylic painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Open Edition.
Giclee print 10 x 15in £49
also 15 x 22.5in £69

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Spring Wood, Lancashire
Spring Wood - Lancashire. Keith Melling

Spring Wood, Lancashire

The subject of this painting could be almost any English bluebell wood, but it happens to be part of the ancient Spring Wood near Whalley in Lancashire. The beautiful countryside of Lancashire is well endowed with such woodlands and this one happens to be so easily accessible...described in former times as being one bowshot from Whalley Abbey, Spring Wood is situated just off the A671.

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition print of 950
5 x 7in  £16.50

Online Shop

Copy Clough Wood - Lancashire
Copy Clough Wood - Lancashire. Keith Melling

Copy Clough Wood - Lancashire

Copy Clough is within the grounds of Towneley Hall, Burnley. There are many kinds of trees here, but I particularly like the sycamore, its star shaped leaves seem to float on the air.

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Open Edition print
5 x 7in   £11.75

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Bluebells, Jeffy Knotts Wood - Lake District

Bluebells, Jeffy Knotts Wood II - Lake District

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition of 350

Giclee print
8.5 x 12in

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Orange Tips, Lancashire
Orange Tips - Lancashire. Keith Melling

Bluebells and Orange Tips, Lancashire

There are two orange tip butterflies  in the picture, but they are not obvious at first. The wood is in the Sabden Valley, southwest of Pendle Hill near Read.

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition print of 850

5 x 7in  £15.50
Online Shop

Old Orchard Wood, Lake District
Old Orchard Wood - Lake District. Keith Melling

Old Orchard Wood, Lake District.
The wood is near Spark Bridge, Cumbria, and looked as though it used to be an orchard. I sometimes title this painting Bluebells and Silver Birch. I've never found out what the wood is really called, it may not have a name.

From a gouache painting
Artist : Keith Melling
Signed Limited Edition print of 850
5 x 7in

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